Who is Percival?

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Good Question

A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, a tearoom in the base of a multi-verse conquering society had a sheep waiter.....

The History

Percival was the sheep waiter in a society named "The Masters of the Mulit-verse"
Recently, he was thought to have been dead and made into a sofa (which was incidently, black, although this was explained away I think...)

Since he clearly isnt, he decided to get his own back and make this site


Percival must have been a very popular sheep since he was constantly being kidnapped and/ or running away with other sheep. Text from the MOTMV history archives has this on the first "search for precival":

" After reminiscing about good times in the old tearoom, it was decided to send out a search group in the hope of finding Percival, the sheep waiter of the original tearoom who had disappeared. The search took a long time, and covered much of H2G2s parkland. Eventually he was found on a beach, but an incident with an FBI helicopter that was searching for GodBen led to GodBenand Percival getting lost in the woods. Eventually they were rescued by SayHeyJay and returned to the new tearoom."

Percival was then 'liberated' by a shifty sort of blacksheep when the team moved to yet another new tearoom (due to 'issues'), which lead to a search that went right through Mongolia. The cry went out on the society's homepage:

"Percival has dissapeared again! Forgotten after the move to the new tearoom, BlackSheep left a message claiming that he has "liberated" Percival. This, combined with allegations that Cal and PETA may have aided BlackSheep, has led to the creation of The Second Fellowship of the Sheep to find Percival. They are currently forming up in The New New MotMV Tearoom. blacksheep "

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